Reference FAQ

Frequently Asked Business Reference Questions

This database of frequently asked questions is regularly updated with common questions and answers.

How can I get a list of businesses in a specific town?

You can create a list of businesses using the advanced search feature of Mergent Intellect or Reference Solutions. You will need to have an active Miller membership card in order to use these databases, or you may visit our Center and use one of our public computer terminals to access the databases.

Where can I find unemployment data?

The U.S. Department of Labor updates unemployment data regularly on their web site. You can also access unemployment data using First Research State Profiles.

I’d like to do some marketing for my small business. Where can I get a list of e-mail addresses of business owners?

Unfortunately, e-mail address are not available from any of our subscription databases due to legal restrictions.

Where can I find information on consumer spending?

You can access DemographicsNow for information on consumer spending, average household income, retail potential, and more. 
You will need to have an active Miller membership card in order to use these databases, or you may visit our Center and use one of our public computer terminals to access the databases.

Are there any resources you can give me on starting my own business?

If you are just getting started, we highly recommend contacting the NYS Small Business Development Center at Stony Brook. They offer free services for individuals looking to start a business. We also have an extensive selection of books on starting a business, including books on creating business plans.